Thursday, December 4, 2008

So yeah B told me his secret(well i guessed mostly) and no i will not tell you no matter how much you comment me so give up rite now...anyway...good week...except today...really bad cramps(it's a curse...lolololololol)and i didn't eat much...whatev... M has been txting me like crazy but that's just whatever...and kinda cute in a "little-puppy" sort of way...but yeah tomorrow is friday and i can't wait!!! I love Friday's!!!! TGIF!!


Olive said...

come on i want to know what "b" told you! but yea that kid is really cute, like when i mentioned your name he like whiped around and ya like "YA I KNOW HER!" and then someone asked if you were his girlfriend and he got all nervios and was like no.... it was really cute. yay tgif! and olny one more week till awesome sleepover/christmas/gingerbread house night!!!!!

KELLY said...

what is the secret? Tellllll meeeeee!!!!!!!
"m" loves you!!!!!

Assy said...

wow some one thinks your a sexy beast (besides me)just a little obsessed with you!hahaha I was thinking about "B" sceret I have some quetions that Ihave to ask you and you will tell me ( i hope) sorry but "M" is cute like a "little puppy" that is hilarious!!!!!!! I thought more like a "little hummingbird" hahahaha I'm pretty sure I sound high right now because of what i wrote. but I'll explain so a hummingbird is some what cute but for the most part is annoying because they don't stop humming!!so I hope this is long enough and I hope I beat olives comment so I love you babe 4 ever(and "M" haha)

Olive said...

wow alyssa wants to beat my comment... we r competeing for your love sarah!!!!!!!!!!!! (pick me hahaha) luv you!

Assy said...

noooooo pick me!!!!!You love me more you said it in your "diary"(hahahaha)

Olive said...

haha omg i can't even belive that "b" did that!!! like ahhh...ugh....omg... yea (making weird noises haha) bye the way, i like the new backround


About Me

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I love dancing...the piano...long walks on the beach(hehe)...goldfish (the snack) 1981...I've always wanted to learn how play the quitar...and MUSIC is my life...besides dancing of course...=)