Wednesday, November 26, 2008


omg twiligt was amazing...i loved was kinda awkward in some parts...but it was stilll good...they ended it with victoria at the prom watching bella and edward dancing...ooooohhh...more movies to come...i'm so excited...rob pattinson was really amazingly STUNNING in the movie...p.s. sorry if this is a spoiler but i loved it...whatever...p.s.s. there's the trailer at the bottom...


Annabel said...

Hey! I saw Twilight too, and I loved it! I know that I haven't been on in like a really long time. So are you going to tell me why not to follow a 'certain someone's' blog. That sounded diabolical. muahaha. lol.

Assy said...

Omg I love twilight too!(jk)arrrgh I'm glad u thought it was good......I guess. p.s you stole my backgroung betch!! I love you bye nerd!!!

Assy said...

omg sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fing funny!!!!!!!!!!!go read brendans blog he sounnds like a girl!!!!

kelly a n d jessie said...

twilight sucks!!!!!!! jessie almost saw it, thank god she didnt!!! Whos brendan? luv you

Olive said...

well im glad you liked it! and i love your adorable picture (you look quite sexy)

Assy said...

i want you sn plzzzz!


About Me

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I love dancing...the piano...long walks on the beach(hehe)...goldfish (the snack) 1981...I've always wanted to learn how play the quitar...and MUSIC is my life...besides dancing of course...=)