Monday, November 3, 2008

Hubbard street was amazing!!!!!! They did MINUS 16 which we learned this summer from B. ohmigod it was AMAZING!!!!! when they looked up during 13 it gave me the chills. If you've ever seen MINUS 16 you know what i'm talking about, otherwise, again, disregard this.... Anyway, Halloween was awesome, we met this guy from brother rice  and he was sooooo nice! PS I got soooo much candy and tomorrow i have no SCHOOL!!!!!

1 comment:

Alyssa's Blog said...

Hey Sarah!

It's Olivia and Assy!!!
Now we both have personal blogs. my url is and assy's is! we r so excited!!! luv you so much, BYE!


About Me

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I love dancing...the piano...long walks on the beach(hehe)...goldfish (the snack) 1981...I've always wanted to learn how play the quitar...and MUSIC is my life...besides dancing of course...=)