Thursday, November 6, 2008

hey so today was miss k's class we did contact improv (PS if you don't know what that is TOO BAD cuz i don't feel like writing it all out...) and it was pretty cool. Today started out bad but then i was, and still am, in a good mood....=)


Olive said...

yay! you had a good day!haha

Assy said...

I love the good mood sarah:) hey by the way your picture for you profile doesn't show up anymore.

Michael said...

what up Sarah! remember don't stand on coffe tables :) now you can't yell at me for not looking at your blog. lol


About Me

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I love dancing...the piano...long walks on the beach(hehe)...goldfish (the snack) 1981...I've always wanted to learn how play the quitar...and MUSIC is my life...besides dancing of course...=)