Thursday, October 30, 2008

ok, so you might not understand this so if you don't know me very well you can read this if you want but you won't understand. i just needed to get this down for me...

tonite words to miss k's class we picked a song to dance to(individually) and choreographed or improved some of the songg. so yeah because of my situation i chose  the song "one moment more" by mindy smith. not only is that song inspiring but it hits me. so...yeah i walked out to the middle of the room and i just couldn't hold it together...whatever that's gonna happen. but then when i started, i just couldn't stop, i needed it soo bad and i all the bad negative feelings were just that....i finished when i felt it was neccessary and i turned to everyone that was looking at me. i saw at least 4 people crying and then it was impossible to keep it all in, so i started sobbing....yeah literally heaving in air and it felt like i couldn't breathe. wow, that's it, it's over now, but no i kept sobbing i tried to reign it in but it was noo use. I needed this soooooo badly and it felt sooooo good to just be whatever and not have to please someone. everyone came up to me then and hugged me, which was great guys thanx, and we talked some and whatever. you probably are soo confused but whatever cuz i just needed to get it down somewhere. it felt amazing and i'm soo that doesn't even cover it, but hopefully you get the idea. it's awefull to keep things in and tonite was sooo helpfull...again doesn't even cover it, and to get it down, i love you Mitch...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guess what!! this weekend i'm going to see hubbard street dance!!! they are performing and i can't wait!! I'm also taking a class from the dancers from the show and that's SOOO EXCITING!!!!

(There's a slideshow of their work at the bottom of this page just to let you know)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

ughhh....tomorrow is monday.....but i'm excited because my aunt and uncle are coming over this weekend and it's halloween!!! yippeeee!!!! i can't wait for the candy!!!! 

i just read a little bit of breaking dawn, which i havent read in forever p.s., and i forgot how much i LOVEEE it, i'm going to read more!!! g'nite!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

so today i took a 2 hour nap and now i'm going to write a paper, ugh...this weekend has kind of been blahhh, but whatever, it's fun to sleep whenever... soo i took my dog for a walk today too and it was freezing and i'm glad cuz i LOVE fall......ok i'm off to write my paper....


Gillian Murphy, one word, stunning. Her legs are 10 miles long!!! i heard that a guy that i know danced next to her and he just couldn't stop staring. Who couldn't?!?!?!?!  


i am in love with this picture!! she's amazing and i WILL be like her....hopefully =/
good morning everyone!!! just wanted to give a shoutout to negam, aivilo, and assyla!! OMG yesterday was sooo much fun!!! anyways, this week is going to be amazing because of halloween!! this year me and my friend are being peter pan and tinkerbell, sooo cute!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

OMG!!!!! This is the first day of my new amazing silly goose blogg!! i am soooo excited!!! rite now umm... i'm with alyssa and listening to music, of course, and i just got back from the HAUNTED WINERNY. it was pretty much amazing and i peed the whole time!!! HAHAHA!! i went with olivia, megan, and alyssa. yupp...pretty kooool.


About Me

My photo
I love dancing...the piano...long walks on the beach(hehe)...goldfish (the snack) 1981...I've always wanted to learn how play the quitar...and MUSIC is my life...besides dancing of course...=)